What is the best Routine when looking to get back into the Gym?

Find the best gym routine for you with Fitnessthoughts.co.uk

Have you accidentally fallen ‘off-track’ with your exercise? Don’t worry; this is completely normal. Sticking to an exercise routine can be hard; sometimes, life can get a bit much, and you lose sight of priorities. You’ve made a step in the right direction by thinking about getting back on track; keep reading to see how you can ease yourself back into the gym and feel good again! Find the best gym routine for you and your body.

Where to start with the best gym routine

It’s easy to tell yourself that you’ve lost all previous progress from the gym when you have some time off, but this isn’t entirely true. Yes, you might have lost a bit of strength and endurance, but it’s nothing that you can’t rebuild. A gym session after some time off will make you sore. Make sure to prepare yourself, but after some time, you will get less sore after each workout. Especially if you have consistent with your optimum gym routine. Consistency is key. It’s important to ease yourself back in and not jump straight to full force into your old routine.

Find Exercises that you enjoy

There is no point in going to the gym if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing there. You won’t stick at it if this is the case. You could begin finding out what you like and don’t like by attending gym classes and seeing what feels good for you. Or, you could go for the trial and error method with different exercises. This way, you can see what feels right and what doesn’t. It could also be a good idea to go with a friend to the gym. This will allow you to see what they do and if you could incorporate those exercises into your best gym routine.

Get ready the night before

Have you ever found yourself saying you’re going to go to the gym the next morning and then woke up and scrapped that idea? Don’t worry if you have; it just happens sometimes, and that’s okay, but you can prevent this by preparing yourself the night before. It’s a good idea to get your workout clothes and shoes ready at night, ready for the next morning. It can be a great help to see your workout gear ready to go when you wake up.

Set yourself a challenge

Having a goal to work towards could have a huge impact on your gym routine, as it affects your motivation and your discipline. You could set yourself a challenge for that goal. For example, ‘I want to be able to run a 5k in X amount of time’, or ‘I will be able to lift X amount on the leg press in a month’s time.’ It will give you a huge sense of relief and make you feel proud of yourself when you hit the goal.

Monitor your progress

It’s important to monitor your progress within the gym so that you can clearly see how far you have come from the beginning. This will likely keep you disciplined and push harder to achieve your goal.

Consider your diet

Lastly, doing all of this is pointless if your diet isn’t checked. We’re not saying cut out all of your favourite foods, as this is an unrealistic approach to a lifestyle change. You will feel better and perform much better with a nutritious diet. It’s recommended to follow the 80/20 rule regarding your diet. This is where you eat nutritious foods 80% of the time and eat what you love the other 20% of the time. Introducing moderation into your diet will allow you to have a healthy diet without missing out on all of your favourites. It’s not just all about protein powder and shakes!

Find the best gym routine for you

Hopefully, this article has given you the inspiration to get started back up in the gym, as well as give you some ideas about how to do it. start slow and have a plan; you will get there in the end. Remember, the only workout you will ever regret is the one you didn’t do! Now get going on setting yourself the best gym routine to best yourself.

Read our other exercise and fitness-related articles.

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