Plant protein powder vs whey protein powder which is better?

protein powder

Plant protien powder vs whey protein powder which is better?

There has long been a consensus in both the fitness and nutrition industry that protein has plenty of benefits from helping to maintain and grow muscle as well as aid with recovery and overall health. However, since the rise of vegetarianism and veganism, the debate about the quality of the protein depending on the source has been a hot topic. In this blog we’re going to compare Plant protein vs whey protein, which is better. let’s look at each one individually.

What is plant protein powder made from?

Plant protein powder is typically made with plant sources that are high in protein such as Pea Protein, soya protein, brown rice protein, hemp protein amongst many others. These plant-based protein sources are processed to extract the protein and remove excess fiber and carbohydrates which is then used to create protein powder.

Benefits of plant protein poweder

  1. It helps with cholesterol.
  2. Good option for those with lactose intollorance.
  3. It contains fiber, healthy fats, and other phytonutrients.

Cons of plant protein powder

  1. Provides less protein per serving than other types of protein powder.
  2. Less options avialable on the market.
  3. Can be more expensive.

What is whey protein made from?

Whey protein powder is made from milk and is acutally a byproduct of the cheese making process. When the liquid portion of the milk separates from the the curds.

Benefits of whey protein powder

  1. Helps to build muscle when paired with the correct training such as running
  2. Helps to improve strength.
  3. It contains more leucine.

Cons of whey protein powder

  1. Can cause digestive issue in some people.
  2. Negative enviromental impact.
  3. Can be highly processed.


Choosing which type of protein powder is better comes down to several factors, including individual dietary preferences, specific health goals, and any dietary restrictions or allergies.

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